
Bob User Guide


  1. todo: Add todo tasks to your list.
  2. deadline: Add tasks with a deadline to your list.
  3. event: Add event tasks to your list.
  4. list: Displays all tasks currently in your list
  5. find: Searches and displays all tasks in your list that contains your specified keyword.
  6. done: Mark specified task as done.
  7. delete: Delete specified task from your list.
  8. exit: Exits and closes the program.


1. todo

Adds a todo task with a description to your list.

Format: todo <description>

Example command: todo homework

Expected outcome:

Noted! I have added the following task to your list:
[T][✘] homework
You now have 1 task(s) in your list

Successfully saved task list to file :)

2. deadline

Adds a task with a description and a deadline date to your list. Deadline date should be of the form yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Format: deadline <description> /by <deadline_date>

Example command: deadline quiz /by 2020-01-01 18:00

Expected outcome:

Noted! I have added the following task to your list:
[D][✘] quiz (by: 1 Jan 2020, Wednesday 06:00 PM)
You now have 2 task(s) in your list

Successfully saved task list to file :)

3. event

Adds a task with a description and an event date to your list. Event date should be of the form yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Format: event <description> /at <event_date>

Example command: event party /at 2020-12-25 20:00

Expected outcome:

Noted! I have added the following task to your list:
[E][✘] party (at: 25 Dec 2020, Friday 08:00 PM)
You now have 3 task(s) in your list

Successfully saved task list to file :)

4. list

Displays all tasks currently in your list. If your list does not contain any tasks, Bob will notify you

Format: list

If the list is not empty:

Example command: list

Expected outcome:

Your current task list is as follows:
1.[T][✘] homework
2.[D][✘] quiz (by: 1 Jan 2020, Wednesday 06:00 PM)
3.[E][✘] party (at: 25 Dec 2020, Friday 08:00 PM)

Successfully saved task list to file :)

If the list is empty:

Example command: list

Expected outcome:

List is empty :(

5. find

Searches and displays all tasks in your list that contains your specified keyword. If no task in your list contains your specified keyword, Bob will notify you.

Format: find <keyword>

If there are tasks that fit your keyword:

Example command: find 2020

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks that matched with '2020':
1.[D][✘] quiz (by: 1 Jan 2020, Wednesday 06:00 PM)
2.[E][✘] party (at: 25 Dec 2020, Friday 08:00 PM)

If there are no tasks that fit your keyword:

Example command: find hey

Expected outcome:

List is empty :(

6. done

Marks the task with the list index you specified as done with a tick. List index should be a numerical number.

Format: done <list_index>

If the list index you specified exists:

Example command: done 1

Expected outcome:

Good job completing this task! I've marked this task as done:
[T][✓] homework
Keep up the good work :)

If the list index you specifed does not exist:

Example command: done 5

Expected outcome:

OOPS! Task 5 does not exist.
Please make sure task index is correct.

If the list index you specifed is not a numerical number:

Example command: done two

Expected outcome:

OOPS! Please enter a numerical number :)

7. delete

Deletes the task with the list index you specified from the list. List index should be a numerical number.

Format: done <list_index>

If the list index you specified exists:

Example command: delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted! I have deleted the following task from your list:
[T][✓] homework
You now have 2 task(s) in your list

Successfully saved task list to file :)

If the list index you specifed does not exist:

Example command: delete 5

Expected outcome:

OOPS! Task 5 does not exist.
Please make sure task index is correct.

If the list index you specifed is not a numerical number:

Example command: delete two

Expected outcome:

OOPS! Please enter a numerical number :)

8. exit

Exits and closes the program. Bob will say goobye before the program closes.

Format: exit

Example command: exit

Expected outcome:

Goodbye! Have a nice day :D